A Guest for today's post!
I have a very darling,kind,merciful,powerful,great,almighty,...friend.You all know him,his name is GOOD! & his nickname is God! I love Him with all of me.
He's always there for everyone who calls him,he's got a great personality & of course a good sense of humor.
Let's get more acquainted with him:
God says thus to him that loves him, and serves him faithfully: "Go and consider the sands of the sea, O my servant, how many they are. Wherefore, if the sea should give you one single grain of sand, would it appear small to you? Assuredly, yes. As I, your creator, live, all that I have given in this world to all the princes and kings of the earth is less than a grain of sand that the sea would give you, in comparison of that which I will give you in my paradise."
"Not only has God created man, as I say, but he created him perfect. He has given him the whole world; after the departure from paradise he has given him two angels to guard him, he has sent him the prophets, he has granted him the Law, he has granted him the faith, every moment he delivers him from Satan, he is fain to give him paradise; no more, God wills to give himself to man"
"Every man, for that he has need, works everything for his own use. But God, who has no need of anything, wrought according to his good pleasure. Wherefore in creating man he created him free in order that he might know that God had no need of him; Verbi gratia, as does a King, who to display his riches, and in order that his slaves may love him more, gives freedom to his slaves.
God, then, created man free in order that he might love his Creator much the more and might know his bounty. For although God is omnipotent, not having need of man, having created him by his omnipotence, he left him free by his bounty, in such wise that he could resist evil and do good. For although God had power to hinder sin, he would not contradict his own bounty (for God has no contradiction) in order that, his omnipotence and bounty having wrought in man, he should not contradict sin in man, I say, in order that in man might work the mercy of God and his righteousness. And in token that I speak the truth, I tell you that the high-priest has sent you to tempt me, and this is the fruit of his priesthood.' The old men departed and recounted all to the high-priest, who said: 'This fellow has the devil at his back, who recounts everything to him; for he aspires to the kingship over Israel; but God will see to that."
"The judgment day of God will be so dreadful that, verily I say unto you, the reprobates would sooner choose ten hells than go to hear God speak in wrath against them. Against whom all things created will witness. Verily I say unto you, that not alone shall the reprobates fear, but the saints and the elect of God, so that Abraham, shall not trust in his righteousness, and Job shall have no confidence in his innocency. And what say I? Even the messenger of God shall fear, for that God, to make known his majesty, shall deprive his messenger of memory, so that he shall have no remembrance how that God hath given him all things"
"Faith is a seal whereby God sealeth his elect: which seal he gave to his messenger, at whose hands every one that is elect hath received the faith. For even as God is one, so is the faith one. Wherefore God, having created before all things his messenger, gave to him before aught else the faith which is as it were a likeness of God and of all that God hath done and said. And so the faithful by faith seeth all things, better than one seeth with his eyes; because the eyes can err, nay they do almost ways err; but faith erreth never, for it hath for foundation God and his word. Believe me that by faith are saved all the elect of God And it is certain that without faith it is impossible for any one to please God. Wherefore Satan seeketh not to bring to naught fastings and prayer, alms and pilgrimages, nay rather he inciteth unbelievers thereto, for he taketh pleasure in seeing man work without receiving pay. But he taketh pains with all diligence to bring faith to nought, wherefore faith ought especially to be guarded with diligence, and the safest course will be to abandon the "Wherefore," seeing that the "Wherefore" drove men out of Paradise and changed Satan from a most beautiful angel into a horrible devil."
Zorro, where do these passages come from? Is it the King James translation of the Bible? Or from some of the Apocryphal writings? Very interesting versions! I like them a lot! :)
By J Man, at June 16, 2005 1:42 PM
J,these passages come from "The Gospel of Barnabas".I found the book by chance but you can see it on the net by google's search.
By Zorro!, at June 24, 2005 2:12 PM
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By Anonymous, at February 15, 2007 6:43 PM
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