Thursday, December 23, 2004

A few prayers for new year

Oh,The Lord of Mary & Jesus!

Upon the Jesus' Grace, please fill this new year with health & success for all the blog possessors,my family,friends & me.

Oh,The Lord of peace & freedom!

Upon the Jesus' kindness, please fill this new year with peace,freedom & security for all the world's inhabitants.

Oh, The Lord of the nature & it's riches!

In the name of Jesus, please fill this new year with blessings for indigents.

Oh,The Lord of Love!

Upon the Jesus' Glory,please keep our hearts alive with your faith's light.

Oh,The God of endurance!

Upon the Jesus' patients, please change us into real strong christians whom he wished to see us so.

Oh,The Lord of Liberality!

Upon the Jesus' faith in you,please save us from every darkness,dread,ignorance & blindy bigotry and guide us along the straight.

Oh,The Lord of Messiah!

In the name of tomorrow's newborn,please remove all my ambiguities about him.

~Yours:one of Your littles~

I'm gonna give up all the internet world _but my check mails_for two months,because I have two important exams on Feb.24th & 25th ; so I should study a lot.It is my wish that you keep me in your prayers,I really need it; Thanks.
So,Goodbye Dear lovely blogspot until Feb.25th!

Today's Quote:

"The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing"

~Marcas Antonius~


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Jesus Window

Matthew 5:14 - Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

There are several kinds of glooms:Ignorance's gloom,doubt's gloom (and that's when there isn't any assurance or peace in the heart),sin's gloom and...
All of these are glooms beyond glooms,but instead, THE LIGHT is single & it should shine through the darkness.

God is the world's LIGHT.

People are different in looking at the light.Our philosophers describe Him in their own way,our gnostics call Him in another way,some look at God by the science glasses,someone else sees Him by a power glasses and...
Someone sees Him blue,someone green,someone...because we look at Him by our stained glasses;whereas the real light is colorless & it's not connected to any special group;and that's why the GOD'S LIGHT could only be seen by JESUS CHRIST's colorless glasses.


Today's Quote:
"Jesus!How much I should look forward?"
~The Lord~

Monday, December 20, 2004


Africa is in tears from north to souyh
Long salty tears run into the mouth
The child of Africais in despair;
No one to shoulder or to care.

Thousands die from hunger,

Many thousands die in anger
Who will weep but children of the soil
Cry,weep;but do not oil the grief

When tears run dry

Then look up and try!
God wills not that you suffer,
It is your false fear that is a buffer

Become a child of God,feel the breeze

A face like Hajar,without any crease
She watched her son build a nation
You too, Africa, can build a nation

A friend said 'Arab was a slave master'

'Nay' said I, 'He is the son of your sister'
'The slavemasters were those with gold
From mail on body to head in gold'

Forget the past,think of the future

Immerse your hands in soil and water
Plant seeds and watch them sprout
Magnificent sight,it will make you proud

Then Africa will no longer be in tears

Nor will it feel anxiety of fears
For he will have a mandate from God;
A true vicegerent with a song for God

~By Moosa Vally Bagas_South Africa_

Today's Quote:
Politeness is the art of choosing among your thoughts
.~Madame De stael~

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Some little interesting things about bicycle

Variations on the bicycle include:
more wheels: tricycles and so on
one wheel: unicycle
powered by more than one riders: tandem bicycle
pedal & seating location: recumbent bicycle
seatless: scooter
used to transport taxi passengers: velotaxi or pedicab; trishaw
push cycle
equipped for travel on rough terrain Mountain bike or Cyclocross
equipped to carry cargo long distance Touring bike
Freight bicycles are designed specifically for transporting large loads
velomobile for all-weather pedal-powered transportation
two wings: Gossamer Albatross
And maybe at least one reference to a sports science article that explains how cycling is the most efficient form of human powered transport.
Powered bicycles are also known as motorcycles, mopeds, and scooters.

Expressions: Bicycle
Expressions using "bicycle":

bicycle frame ♦ bicycle kick ♦ bicycle lane ♦ bicycle path ♦ bicycle pump ♦ bicycle race ♦ bicycle rack ♦ bicycle repairer ♦ bicycle route ♦ bicycle seat ♦ bicycle stand for bicycles ♦ bicycle traffic ♦ bicycle wheel ♦ by bicycle ♦ get on a bicycle ♦ go by bicycle ♦ men's bicycle ♦ ordinary bicycle ♦ pedals of bicycle ♦ push bicycle ♦ racing bicycle ♦ ride a bicycle ♦ ride on a bicycle ♦ safety bicycle ♦ tandem bicycle.
Hyphenated Usage
Beginning with "bicycle": bicycle-built-for-two, bicycle-chains, bicycle-chain-type, bicycle-clips, bicycle-like, bicycle-mounted, bicycle-powered, bicycle-pump, bicycle-racers, bicycle-rickshaw, bicycle-riding, bicycle-seat, bicycle-shed, bicycle-type, bicycle-wheels.
Ending with "bicycle": exercise-bicycle, motor-bicycle.

~Webster's Online Dictionary~

Today's Bible:
Matthew 5:44 - But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you

Monday, December 13, 2004

Interesting Olympic Facts

The olympic flag contains five interconnected rings on a white background.The five rings symbolize the five significant continents & are interconnected to symbolize the friendship to be gained from these international competitions.The rings, from left to right,are blue ,yellow,black,green & red.The colors were chosen because at least one of them appeared on the flag of every country in the world.

The Olympic Motto
In 1921,Pierre de Coubertin,founder of the modern Olympic games,borrowed a Latin phrase from his friend,Father Henri Didon,for the olympic motto:Citius,Altius,Fortius("Swifter,Higher,Stronger")

The Olympic Oath
During the opening ceremonies,one athelite recites the oath on behalf all the athelites."In the name of all competitors,I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games,respecting and abiding by the rules that govern them,in the true of sportsmanship,for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams".

The Olymic Creed
Pierre de Coubertin got the idea for this phrase from a speech given by Bishop Etherbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic games.The Olympic Creed reads:
"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part,just as the most important thing in life is not to triumph but the struggle.The essential things is not to have conquered but to have fought well."

The Olympic Torch Relay
It's the transfer of the Olympic flame from Ancient Olympia ,Greece,to the stadium of the city hosting the opening Ceremony of the games.The first global Torch Relay in the history of the Olympic games with the motto "Pass the Flame,unite the World",now has it's very own song.

Pass the Flame
Pass the flame
Unite the world
it's time to celebrate let our voices be heard
Pass the flame
Unite the world
Brings us all together
We can grow a forest
On a dried up river bed
We can build a mountain
From a grain sand
Reach out,hold out your hands.

Today's Bible:
Matthew 17:20 -"You didn't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I assure you, even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain, `Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."

Friday, December 10, 2004

Take the life easy!

It was 2-3 day that I have paused most of my activities,exactly like a runner that brakes in his maximum speed and wants to think where is he going?where is his endline & what's the pleasure of reaching it?
working and studying a lot,a little sleep time,having stress of delaying in my programs,occuring the out of box! events &...
I was thinking about my life in these days-this much struggling and finally what?! -

I opened my dreams box again
[This box is another of God's donations to us wich supports our strives,a mysterious box full with hope light;you know; when I'm exhausted and disappointed,three steps can quiet me:
1-crying out! but JUST in one special private place:God's arms
2-thinking on my problem in a logical manner
3-thinking about this box
What do you do when you're exhausted?]
I was thinking that the life has two parts:
-roots & branches
The branches are more than roots(in hours) and in fact they're amusments!that we find to not be unemployed.These branches are inevitable and necessary.
Lectures,jobs,learnings &...are branches and most of us (just like me)are so much drowned in this part that we send the life root to borders or even bury it!
And what are the life roots & principles?I think the times that one spend to enjoy the life or the times that one should spend to know about his situation in the world,how should he be with himself and what's his duty at least in front of himself...& THINKING at all.

I close my eyes and think about my dreams:
1-I wish one day I get disburdened,I catch my aim and become a liberated God's servant;to be such a person that Lord wants to see me;because since I'd know Him,nothing can gratify me but His slavery.
2-Finding Sir Jesus & serving Him.
3-Going to GRAND CANYON and looking at the sunrise there (in memory of the lovely movie:PAULIE)
4-Flying with my own hiden wings in the limitless.
I realized that accepting the wishes is possible when the life branches attach to the roots,& maybe I am cleft because the principles were miss in my life,recently.
Ok,I found my problem and it's solution;I should start again.

God bless

my previous post's answers:
1-if there was another tangerine,the total number was divisible with 1,2,...,10 & the smallest number that is divisible with all these is:2520

2-The magic eye picture is a heart.

Today's Quote:"please pause a moment can't never give back the past moment!!even in lieu of the world's price...the life is a collection of moments that spend in anyway,but in wich way?!"

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The New year gift

The new year gift
The student council's member were getting prepared for the new year.They were prorating the candies and biscuits in paper bags;but when they got to divide the tangerines,they confronted a funny problem!First they put 10 tangerins in each envelope & they saw 9 tangerins remained for the last one;then they decided to put 9 in each envelopes & they saw it remained 8 for the last one.They put 8 tangerines in each envelope,it remained 7 for the last paper bag...It was a strange state & it continued until they put 2 tangerines in each paper bag but again it remained one tangerine for the last one.

Can you explain the problem and find the total numbers of the tangerines?

I'll get the answer in the next post.

Today's Quote:

"Obey the God in the deal that you need Him & sin Him the measure that you can stand His torment & strive in the deal that you will live in this world & take the baggage of goodies as much as you will pause in that world."

God's Orbit


I have seen a lot of people who take a strong decision and then get prepared for a long time to put it in practice ;but suddenly a very simple unexpected event squanders every thing,what do you call it?
Sometimes a little funny accident changes the rout of a life.

Sometimes watching a foolish movie,reading a phrase in a scrap newspaper,hearing a poem or a music can answer our serious life's question.Sometimes falling an apple -a very current event- could lead to a great Newton Law!
Do all of these happenings occure accidentally or are there some other powers besides ours?

I think we are created to decide as a MAN for our lives and arrange it in the best way we find.This is a part of our lifestory wich we are charged with it's duty ;The another part is undertaken by God.In fact our life's orbit is gonna move in a main great orbit :God's Willing
So if we believe in it we shouldn't get sad if we couldn't catch a request,either if we receive a tragic event.If we faith in God,so we should always suppose an annoyance as a special event that may have good sides.

Today's Quote:
"The most beautiful rainbows come after the worst storms." - unknown

Monday, December 06, 2004

Glory to GOD

I have seen God for several of these times I saw him under a microscop,He was there,more obvious than ever;with all his greatness.In fact I was looking at His spoor between blood cells & immune system cells.Ok,that's it;I should confess He's perfect in His job!
So today I'm gonna relate a real romantic,dramatic fable that occurs in the world of beauties:
Human body.

APOPTOSIS:Suicide of the cells

"One for everyone,Everyone for one";This is one of the most popular laws in the body.You can see the only important thing is:Protecting the communit's survival.
I don't want to write it's complicated mechanisms,I'm just interested to review a terrific event.
During development of a multicellular eukaryotic organism,some unwanted cells die as a normal part of the process.

This processs is called PROGRAMED CELL DEATH or APOPTOSIS.It provides a crucial control over the total cell number.The most prominent locations for it are the immune system & nervous system.
Apoptosis involves the activations of a pathway that leads to suicideof the cell by a characteristic process in wich the cell becomes more compact,blebbing occurs at the membranes,chromatin becomes condensed,& DNA is fragmented.
Ultimately the dead cells become fragmented into membranebound pieces,& maybe engulfed by surrounding cells.
Apoptosis is important,therefore,not only in tissue development,but in the immune defense and in the detection of cancerous cells.The existence of mechanisms to inhibit as well as to activate apoptosis suggests that many(possibly even all) cells possess the intrinsic capacity to apoptose.If the components of the pathway are ubiquitous,the critical determinant of whether a cell lives or dies may depend on the regulatory mechanisms that determine whether the pathway is activated or repressed.

Almighty!I can only say :Glory to YOU!

Today's Quote:"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend"~William Blake~

Friday, December 03, 2004


I think laughter is one of God's great gifts to us.
Ha ha ha ,Ho ho ho,Hee hee hee These are some ways that we,English speakers, write down the sound of laughter,How we write down the sound of laughter is not really important.What is important to know is that laughter is common to everyone around the world.What we also know is that humour is different from country to country & from person to person.

It's good to knowt hat laughter has always been with us,although it has changed a lot over time.The Man & the Ape are probabely the only kind of animals in the world that laugh & smile.Some animals ,like dogs or horses,may seem to smile.But since we cannot really tell,is it possible that we are alone in our ability to laugh?

Some say that it is this ability to laugh that makes humans different from other animals,just like our ability to think & to dream.Is laughing something that is naturally inside humans from the time when we are born,or is it something that we learn?Touch a baby on it's feet or stomach or make a strange face and it will probably laugh.Doctors say that all babies are born with the ability to laugh and smile,just like they can all cry.Even babies that can't see can smile,so we know that they do not learn to smile from their mothers.In other words,laughing & smiling are things that make us truly human.

Today's Bible:
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 KJV)

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

A flight toward the LIGHT

One day,the head of licences wished to see them;then he asked them if they know any thing about the LORD CANDLE,but nobody could describe a real incarnation about him,so a group of them got volunteers to get some information about the candle.

They returned after a while and said:"The LORD CANDLE is a very beautiful light that we all wished to reach it,but it was too hot & we couldn't get close to it".

The head said:"No! none of you underestand what it is".so another group got volunteers.

After a long time they returned & said :"we found the LORD CANDLE an unique ,beautiful,mysterious light that is really praisworthy;we did all we could to reach it,but it had a high heat, look at our wings !we have burned them in it's flame's beauty!"

The head thought a little & said:"No! you didn't underestand the LORD CANDLE either"so the last group of volunteers left there toward the LORD CANDLE......

...It passed a lot of days,weeks,months & years but no one saw that last group again.

One day the head collected all the licences in the central square and said them:
"Lovers of LORD CANDLE! Your last group of volunteers didn't come back.Do you know what happened to them?In fact;they informed us the best news about the LORD CANDLE,with their great silence:

((HE IS lovely & they had burn in HIS love!...They had knew him in his worthy way!))

~an Eastern poet~

Today's Quote:"It doesn't matter who my father was;it's matter,who I remember he was"~William Shakespeare~